Rules For Riley; Rule 7: Love to Learn

Jonathan Farrell
1 min readSep 8, 2022


These rules are meant to be bite-sized life lessons that lay a foundation to learn from. They are designed to help cultivate strength, insight, and wisdom as a part of your life. These rules are not definitive and should be used as thought-provoking exercises. These rules are not written in any particular order.

Photo by Jeffrey Hamilton on Unsplash

Rule 7: Love to Learn

Learning is a lifelong endeavor and should be a lifelong love affair. Have a passion for learning and a desire to learn just for learning’s sake. While curiosity is the motivating force that leads you to seek out new information, a love of learning will give you the desire to hold on to and deepen that information. The curious person is motivated by the pursuit of knowledge; the person who loves learning is motivated by the expansion of their fund of knowledge. Love to learn.



Jonathan Farrell

Full stack developer, philanthropist and triathlete focused on user experience, innovation and making the world a better place.